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barbtries a blog
Monday, February 28, 2011
ThinkProgress � REPORT: Top 10 Disastrous Policies From The Wisconsin GOP You Haven’t Heard About
ThinkProgress REPORT: Top 10 Disastrous Policies From The Wisconsin GOP You Haven’t Heard About: As the standoff between the Main Street Movement and Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) continues for the twelfth day, much of the media
coverage — and anger — from both sides
has focused on Walker’s efforts to strip
Wisconsin public workers of their right
to collective bargaining. But Walker’s
assault on public employees is only
one part of a larger political program
that aims to give corporations free
reign in the state while dismantling
the healthcare programs, environmental
regulations, and good government laws
that protect Wisconsin’s middle and
working class. These lesser known
proposals in the 144-page bill reveal
how radical Walker’s plan actually is:

please read. now you know why protesters have
taken up residence in Madison, and why
100,000 people showed up in the bitter cold
and blowing snow on Saturday to protest this
bill. it is a travesty.

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