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barbtries a blog
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Homeland Security chairman to TSA: 'Reconsider' pat-downs - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Homeland Security chairman to TSA: 'Reconsider' pat-downs - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room: "“Before implementing this
new more invasive pat down procedure, as a
preliminary matter, TSA should have had a
conversation with the American public
about the need for these changes. Even
before that conversation, TSA should have
endeavored to ensure that these changes did
not run afoul of privacy and civil liberties,”
they write."

but the TSA just went full speed ahead,
humiliating cancer survivors, feeling up
little children in ways we instruct them
never to allow even a family member to
touch them, or the alternative: be
strip-searched by a machine with radiation.

i am so pissed about this.

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