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barbtries a blog
Monday, December 07, 2009
Sarah Palin's brand of populism is dangerous and deceptive. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Sarah Palin's brand of populism is dangerous and deceptive. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
...Last week, the new darling of the right
did her best to vindicate me. She appeared
on the radio show of a certain Rusty
Humphries, another steaming and hearty
slice of good-old U.S. prime, and was
asked whether she would make an issue
of President Barack Obama's birth certificate.
Her response: "I think the public rightfully
is still making it an issue. I think it's
a fair question." That was on Thursday,
Dec. 3. On Friday, she had published
a second "thought" on her Facebook page,
reassuring all and sundry that: "At no
point have I asked the president to produce
his birth certificate, or suggested that
he was not born in the United States."

Well, exactly. Of course she hasn't. She
just thinks it's a good idea for others
to do that, in their "rightful" way, since,
after all, it is "a fair question."

Could anything be more cowardly and contemptible?

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