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Saturday, April 25, 2009
Democratic complicity and what "politicizing justice" really means - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Democratic complicity and what "politicizing justice" really means - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com: Punishing politically powerful criminals is about
vindicating the rule of law. Partisan
and political considerations should
play no role in it. It is opponents
of investigations and prosecutions
who are being driven by partisan
allegiances and a desire to advance
their political interests. By contrast,
proponents of investigations are
seeking to vindicate the most apolitical
yet crucial principle of our system
of government: that we are a nation
of laws that cannot allow extremely
serious crimes to be swept under
the rug for political reasons. That's
true no matter what is best for Obama's
political goals and no matter how many
Democrats end up being implicated --
ethically, politically or even legally --
by the crimes that were committed.

Greenwald nails it. Any American rightie or
leftie should be calling for prosecutions now.
how much more evidence do you need? it's not
about politics! it's about JUSTICE.

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