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barbtries a blog
Sunday, June 22, 2008
American Civil Liberties Union : H.R. 6304, THE FISA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2008
American Civil Liberties Union : H.R. 6304, THE FISA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2008
The ACLU recommends a no vote on H.R. 6304, which grants
sweeping wiretapping authority to the government with little
court oversight and ensures the dismissal of all pending cases
against the telecommunication companies. Most importantly:

• H.R. 6304 permits the government to conduct mass, untargeted
surveillance of all communications coming into and out of the
United States, without any individualized review, and without
any finding of wrongdoing.

call your senators, write, visit them at their
office. save the constitution, save the country,

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