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barbtries a blog
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
i got a job!

more later

big smiles

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I made a really nice lunch and dinner today (yet another rant)
I made a really nice lunch and dinner today (yet another rant)

Saturday, October 27, 2007
what i'm missing in NC
Flickr Photo Download: 15-18 weeks 067

my granddaughter

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Why We Left Los Angeles
L.A. County family of 4 needs an annual income of $74,044
interesting, huh?

Daily the decision is validated.

I miss my family madly. Marley is growing up
and I can't see her...Micah, Tyler, John!

Pictures of the road trip from LA to Raleigh,
and our new home

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Family of slain teen mark death
Family of slain teen mark death

This story's better. Hopeful. and those people are
friends of mine, and Justice for Murdered Children is the organization to which i have
donated my time and my heart since Bekah's death.

5 killed in weekend area attacks, no suspects are in custody
5 killed in weekend area attacks, no suspects are in custody

Well, here's a story from our old hometown paper...one for me
to show Rory to demonstrate one of the reasons leaving los
angeles was the right thing to do.

and part of me's wishing i was there to hold the bereaved.

Five murders in three days. miGAWD

Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth

moon phases

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I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking grief to sleep in my arms.

Poetry roll
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