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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy: Why you can't reason with a Republican
Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy: Why you can't reason with a Republican

good stuff That the best way to protect the environment
and have peace in the Middle East is to have petroleum executives
run the world's largest consumer of energy.

That the best way to put money in the pockets of average
Americans is to give tax cuts to the wealthiest 1%.

That turning a record surplus into a record deficit is
prudent financial stewardship.

That the future-tense document "Bin Laden Determined to
Strike in U.S" was "an historical document."

That never once convening an anti-terrorism task force
and sitting vacantly in a classroom while America was
under siege is the highest standard of protecting our nation.

That abandoning a great American city in its time of need
is further proof of our security, and of the decency and
organizational prowess of our leaders.

That it's better to discard unused fetuses from in vitro
fertilization than to use them to cure terrible diseases.

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