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barbtries a blog
Sunday, April 30, 2006
The official website for Randy Queen's DARKCHYLDE
The official website for Randy Queen's DARKCHYLDE

Randy Queen is a friend of Bekah's, who just contacted
me wanting to join Bekah's yahoo group. He wrote me a beautiful email sharing
the nature of his and Bekah's relationship, and how
he was down south when she died and just made it up the
hill for the reception following bekah's funeral.

Bekah's picture at the wall in Sacramento. Among, I
don't know, hundreds i guess, pictures of victims, there she was. When I saw her there [i knew she
would be there, i sent in the photo for that purpose],
i was overcome. And I intend to share more about the trip, but am just a bit too exhausted right this second.

Here's a shot of the wall that included Bek's picture:

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