Sunday, September 11, 2005
[rough draft ahead - i promise it was better
at the cemetery. but the grass was wet, so i waited
until i got home to put it down]
September 11, 2005
I didn’t cry at your grave today.
A drop of rain fell out of the clouds
And found its way to my cheek somehow,
But I didn’t cry.
I didn’t cry at your grave today.
I wondered if that was good, bad, or
Indifferent. I bought you flowers
Including one white rose.
I forgot the words to the poem today –
When I stalled I said, “I forgot the words,
“But I didn’t forget you,” I said,
“I will never forget you.”
I said, “I love you,” and “I will
“Always, always, always.”
I made a bowl out of my palm
To let the dog have a drink.
Some water splashed up onto my cheek.
I didn’t cry at your grave today.
I wiped off your headstone and then I
Remembered the rest of the poem.
a tricolored heron at the pond at the cemetery this morning
a graveyard is just a field to a chihuahua
when i was a child and the sun streamed through the clouds like this,
i thought it meant the angels were out. i thought gawd was hunched
up in heaven with a little black book putting checkmarks and stars by
my name.
a moment of silence for the victims of the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001. amen
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS