Saturday, January 08, 2005
a rude awakening
this hilarious entry from the nite owl reminded me of this ancient old rhyme that i wrote a million years ago and never forgot.
Chocolate Milk
Chocolate milk, a wonderful taste
Throw it away, what a waste
I could simply cry
When I said good-bye
To that wonderful glass
But I had to let it pass
Chocolate milk, chocolate milk,
Tickling my taste buds and filling my tum
I’m going to invent chocolate milk gum
So delicious it is going to be
I’ll keep a supply just for me
Chewing and blowing chocolate milk bubbles
Growing fat like Barney Rubbles
so here we are in southern CA where it doesn't rain. but it pours, man it pours...and it's coming from the north i guess where it's too cold for habitation by humans like me, so that's how cold it is here, to me, just way too cold.
thanks very much to those of you who take the time to listen to the audio blog, and let me know your responses to my reading poems. i'm hopeful that it represents an important milestone for me. as i mentioned in an early audio blog post, i believe that i need to get out and do some public reading. i am shy, insecure, this is a start, and i'll get on with the rest of it. soon. i hope. i think, or not, :)
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS