Thursday, November 25, 2004
Yahoo! Groups : bekah
i posted to my yahoo group and wanted to second here, on my blog, which i don't want to neglect and do and will. happy thanksgiving, and two days late let us observe a split second or so of silence for my parents:
my mother about 1943
Posted by Hello
Marie G. Bales, 12-28-25 to 11-23-80 and
Frank Bales, 3-25-19 to 11-23-68
my dad, about 1941
Posted by Hello
i just wanted to tell anyone and everyone who may still read this message happy thanksgiving, i miss you.
since i started working again in july i feel how much harder it is to stay in touch, and feel isolated and missing bekah very much.
two steps forward three steps back. i think that is the truth, and wonder about happy. then there was the election and all.
anyhow. since i went back to work it has been proven to my satisfaction that losing bekah did change me fundamentally, unless it's just age. i am almost 50...point being that it feels pretty much as if 100% of my energy is consumed there. for very little reward, too. and a boss who is not very nice.
oh well. love to you all
bekah's mom barbara
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS