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barbtries a blog
Friday, November 12, 2004
Sorry Everybody
i won't belabor it because mostly what good would it do. i was surfing blog explosion and someone else had shared the link with a disclaimer that she wasn't sorry. not that she voted for bush or felt he deserved to be president, just that it didn't sit right somehow, feeling as if the world deserved an apology. anyhow, i clicked, and cried, and pondered, and clicked through many many apologies, and a couple rah rahs from folks in other countries, reassuring that people worldwide at least some of them are smart enough to gather that being american these days does not mean being proud of who's president or blindly supportive of the travesties that pile up under the administration of gw. and i realized that if i could, i would apologize to the befuddled and disgusted citizens of other countries, even though i did not and would not - i mean, i cannot even imagine ever! - voting for the moron. because it is still my country and the rest of the world should really know that the current president of the united states falls far short of representing the people of the united states.

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