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barbtries a blog
Thursday, November 04, 2004
KISS OF LIFE: ...a great felicity with words...
this blogger has a long list of favorite lines; i cannot resist identifying the ones i recognize.

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to begin as soon as possible."

harry, in when harry met sally

"Cameron is so uptight that if you put a lump of coal up his ass, you'd get a diamond."

ferris bueller, of course...ferris? anyone?

"Carpe diem, sieze the day. Make your lives extraordinary."

dead poets society?

"You must chill! You must chill!"

i know this one for sure...it's lloyd on his first date with diane in say anything at that crazy party where he got the lucky job of keymeister or whatever they called it so drunks would not drive.

i have a question for those coming of age now and during the time of "say anything" - probably the 1980's right? this is the question: do those people really exist at parties?

the list verified for me that i am way out of touch with respect to modern culture. or anyway that i don't watch too many movies. another line or two i could guess, but basically it looks like i'm scoring a not too fat 4 out of 20.

i will briefly commemorate that the election is over and the wrong person won. i don't get it. i do hate it, and feel little hope looking at the next four years in this country and in the world.

Peace. Love.

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