-Get Firefox! join the tribute to the victims of 9/11Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator barbtries a blog: <a href="http://www.iconoclast-texas.com/Columns/Editorial/editorial39.htm">The Lone Star ICONOCLAST - Editorial, Opinion of the Publishers</a>
barbtries a blog
Saturday, October 02, 2004
The Lone Star ICONOCLAST - Editorial, Opinion of the Publishers
a small portion of the endorsement article:
We should expect that a sitting President would vacation less, if at all, and instead tend to the business of running the country, especially if he is, as he likes to boast, a “wartime president.” America is in service 365 days a year. We don’t need a part-time President who does not show up for duty as Commander-In-Chief until he is forced to, and who is in a constant state of blameless denial when things don’t get done.
What has evolved from the virtual go-it-alone conquest of Iraq is more gruesome than a stain on a White House intern’s dress. America’s reputation and influence in the world has diminished, leaving us with brute force as our most persuasive voice.

SO! his own "hometown" paper doesn't want gw anymore.

i'm gaining some hope. reading some blogs, of bloggers who can still stand to to look at and listen to gw. and from what i have read, kerry won their first debate going away.

a little more hope. it COULD happen; we COULD be relieved of the presidency of gw in november...it JUST MIGHT be true, that kerry will win, bush and his buds and his brother and his parents will not be able to change it.

cross your fingers and especially, VOTE

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