-Get Firefox! join the tribute to the victims of 9/11Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator barbtries a blog: <a href="http://www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=8218803">freeiPods.com</a>
barbtries a blog
Sunday, August 22, 2004
click up there, spend some money you would have anyway [i bought Advantage for my chihuahua puppy who is suffering with the fleas, and prior to going ahead with the transaction i checked petco, where i get everything for chase. Petco was $2 more expensive. though if i had free shipping going for me....anyhow] and pretty soon i'll have an ipod!

blame CC for this. please, before you do, click freeiPods.com and sign up for your free ipod.

quick question? i don't know anyone who owns an ipod. i have a feeling this burning desire within me for one is only proof that even though i realize that advertising invades and pervades all aspects of our lives beyond what nature ever intended, i'm still a soft touch for it.

i want my ipod, hope i get it, hope it all works out. on the other hand if i don't get anyone to spend money off my referral i won't be mad...i throw out all chain letters summarily. i understand...

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