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barbtries a blog
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Webshots Community - barbtries's Photo Home Page
after over a year i have resumed the task of transcribing my
daughter's writing; this is from a paper she wrote for
comparative religion class when she was 16:

I haven't given much thought to the afterlife, and
I would also rather not. I would rather just live.

ftp can be a bitch and a half i guess, which is why
instead of the picture i have blogged the URL to my
webshots albums. if you take the time to go look at
my photos i'll tell ya why i want you to: i uploaded
a picture by bekah today. it's in the "paintings" folder
and is a drawing from date unknown.

tomorrow's july. july is like...the lumbering semi on
the freeway, when every other vehicle is a compact. but
that is a weak analogy. i guess i feel apologetic. but
screw that. she just is on my mind, all the time, and
that is partly about july.

so maybe the rest of my life will turn on july, and maybe
july will always be a month during which my emotions rule
with an excruciating combination of pride, love, grief,
this stubborn incredible, incredulous disbelief [three
years?! since we celebrated her 21st birthday? and nearly
three years since our last contact, hug, conversation,
laugh, consultation...?]

unreal. bekah i love you amen, mom

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