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barbtries a blog
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
barbtries a blog:
looking for work. if you are a job i would love that won't take too much time and will pay a decent wage please come knocking on my door. that is how jobs are got right? they come knocking on your door?

i wrote this morning. this afternoon in my email:


Thanks for you interest. Are you still available to do this? If so, when are you available to meet?


so, hopefully, tomorrow, interview, job, etc. maybe it's true. i just had to write it down. just put my will into the ether, the universal energy that is mostly chaos but contains some pocket of sense and order, register my desire, claim it. maybe.

at any rate i am truly thankful to be out of the trough. and i'll be crying more later on, it's true. rambo's out of prison and that sucks. but more on that later.

the reason it must wait is that the reason i have a reason at all - the children, you know - they are here, and they need me. :)

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