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barbtries a blog
Saturday, February 07, 2004
writing prompts
What I want to tell you is _____________

that i found these "writing prompts" via deb's blog, and so i thought i might give it a whirl. haven't been doing much writing lately and when i am fallow for too long i get antsy and depressed. i suppose i wonder every time if it's forever [why not? it would only prove what i've suspected all along: i'm just a wannabe, a dilettante with aspirations of validity or delusions of poetry or...whatever). when i am not writing something is not right in the world, the universe even, is out of kilter.

there are just these brats in my brain, and if i have not been writing consistently they get really snotty and try to break me down with insults and demeaning self-evaluations. confidence turns out to be another bullshitting son of a bitch; he's gone now, and if i was a stock i'd be down to a nickel a share.

during these times - the fallow times, writing swirls around my head as i think, and think. poems, letters, novels, movies...i pick up my diary, my book, or an old correspondence, and read some confidence into myself. but wouldn't it make sense to exercise too? so that's what i wanted to tell you, i think. also that i looked for "rules" or instructions on writing prompts but found none, until i went back through some archives. anyway, thanks

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