Monday, December 15, 2003 Poetry » Archive » Rainer Maria Rilke » "Love Song"
How can I keep my soul in me, so that
it doesn't touch your soul? How can I raise
it high enough, past you, to other things?
I would like to shelter it, among remote
lost objects, in some dark and silent place
that doesn't resonate when your depths resound.
Yet everything that touches us, me and you,
takes us together like a violin's bow,
which draws one voice out of two seperate strings.
Upon what instrument are we two spanned?
And what musician holds us in his hand?
Oh sweetest song.
the poem read by gabe at bekah's funeral. it was rilke. learn something new every day. weird, how things to do trickle in. i am missing her again. i won't wallow, after the tape is over. amen
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS