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barbtries a blog
Monday, December 08, 2003
email to a friend
hi, how's it going? i'm up here in etna, CA, practically at the oregon border. it is beautiful and cold.

susan, my friend, is not burying her husband until next thursday. i plan to stay until the funeral then head home, which means i'll get home about the middle of the night friday morning. i wish the lag wasn't going to be so long but oh well.

the upside is where i am...it is so beautiful. i passed mt shasta coming in and will see it going home. trees and mountains everywhere. i'm staying at this charming little bed and breakfast, a huge victorian era house run by the editor of the local paper. did you ever watch bob newhart's show? that's what this is like.

deer are abundant here. this morning i walked across the street to this old graveyard and wandered around and watched the sun fighting its way through the clouds.
barbtriesthe weather has been foul but the place is just so beautiful glory!

susan is doing too well. just way too well. she is talking with tim all the time and i think that's a good thing. i remember when bekah first died i felt her, but i didn't believe in her yet, i just thought then that the dead and the living couldn't communicate. i know so much better now, and am thankful that susan knows it already.

he was 49, and died alone up on a mountain nearby. susan thinks he died on wednesday and told me that he told her he wasn't found until thursday because their son timmy was in a concert on thursday night and he didn't want him to have to miss it. he knew how much it meant to timmy.

timmy is 12. when my father dropped dead at 49 i was 13. i really want to spend some quality time with timmy; i may get a chance today. susan's mother in law mentioned that they need to as a family get together and make decisions, and so on...about 20+ years ago, her 21 year old son lost it going around a curb in big bear in his brand new porsche. so she is twice bereft and it makes me ache to even imagine. she is very religious however, some sort of christian variation. i hope it is a true comfort to her. it gets uncomfortable talking with her sometimes though because my own beliefs are just as strong and differ quite a bit [lol].

anyway we just hugged for the longest time when i walked in. she knew about bekah already. i'm getting teary and i'll talk with you later. no messenger on this computer, no pal talk, etc...i am hopeful that i'll be able to hook my notebook up to his dsl line and communicate that way within a day or so.

i love you

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