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barbtries a blog
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Yahoo! Search Results Pictures of President Grant
i edited the actual search term to fit in my title box. Yahoo! Search Results for Picture's of MR.President Grant is what it really said. but dig it! barbtries a blog is first on the list.

i am laughing. doing laundry. and i apologize to any/all of my [one to three] faithful readers for having been a no show. i have been working this week after having been out of town last week, and otherwise, sleeping, i guess? it's been a long time since i did the 8 to 5. so been sleeping about 8 to 6...not leaving much time for blogging or even email. today i looked finally and had 121 new messages, an all-time high as far as i know. and only about 115 were spam.

just kidding. only about 110 were spam. :)

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