Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Reality Bitchslap
i left this comment just now, 4:39 am 11-05-03, regarding CC's observation that he HATES GEORGE W BUSH:
gw has much blood on his hands. i just watched Three Days of the Condor again today, do you know it? robert redford never looked better...anyway! it was made in 1975, and at the end he's looking at some CIA wacko and saying, "WHY?" then it hits: "Oil." the dude tells him in 10, 15 years, it'll be food, and the people "won't want us to tell them, they'll just want to eat." the terrible thing is, it's 28 years since that movie was made and it is still OIL. there were special forces in 1991 too, and saddam still lived. that's when i quit looking, because i believed then and now and that "they" wanted him alive so if and when they felt like doing so they'd have a convenient reason to throw a war. now they have, thrown the war, occupied the mid east, and it is still for oil. it truly sickens me, especially when i hear as you did about incidents that take out young who should be over here living their lives or at the very least defending a worthy cause.
so in the movie, robert redford buys a little time by telling his story to the NY times, and he lets cliff robertson know it. Robertson says, "you have no idea how much damage you've done," and redford says, with passion, "I hope so."
good movie. and timely still, considering.
sunset at redondo beach, CA, 11-02-03 [joyce's birthday]
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS