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barbtries a blog
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
so i went in search of details, again...ann white's killer was 21. her same age, bekah's same age. he had no prior dui's. he had apparently been acting weird and angry before he killed the young woman. like rambo,

who was 32 years older than her victim.

again i just can't get it. at 53 you are supposed to know better. why would a young person get 14 more years for the same crime as a middle-aged person?! it does not make sense. it does not make sense.

oh, well. sorry if i bored anyone obsessing about something i can't do dick about. i want to get someone else outraged, i think. i want there to be someone, maybe already on this planet, maybe yet to be born, to survive because bekah did not, by virtue of a raised consciousness i made happen.

i guess. and must vent or be insane.

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