-Get Firefox! join the tribute to the victims of 9/11Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator barbtries a blog: <a href="http://blog.beebware.co.uk/archives/cat_net_memes.html">Richy's Random Ramblings: Net: Memes Archives</a>
barbtries a blog
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Richy's Random Ramblings: Net: Memes Archives
cool weblog - i did a search on google for "meme" - and of all the responses [very many] clicked on this page. it was a good choice, i think. memes are pretty much what i thought, i guess. though there is more. perhaps a whole new sociological or biological school of study. most blogs are memes. i'd probably have to say that my blog is a meme. i'm thinking opposite of youyou, or theythey. religious memes are the infectious kind; ii try to stay away from those.

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