Friday, October 10, 2003
bekah, laughing and talking on her 21st birthday
She laughs, laughs
opportunistically, with a sound
that was not known
Before her.
She romances laughter and
thrives on each guffaw,
A woman need never
Be bored.
Yeah. She talks, talks and talks
Her topics are infinitely
Personal. Her concern
Universal, her interest keen
as that of a genius
learning to read
Soon this child of brilliance
Will teach grown-ups how to be
How to keep the sparkle
humor, curiosity
For her it is something personal,
She cares. Bekah cares.
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS