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barbtries a blog
Sunday, October 26, 2003
imood.com query results for barbtries

a thoughtful mood on my grandson

moods i have wanted to share but were not on the list:
intrepid. especially intrepid. when i travel i am intrepid and i've done more traveling this year in almost my entire life prior to it.

bereaved. for obvious reasons

i know there are more. what i don't know is why i hang on to this little postcard of a message sender. who really gives a flying fuck what my mood is? if anyone does they'll read about it or hear about it.

but i like the dang thing. must there always be a why?

inscrutable. there should be inscrutable. i might feel inscrutable one of these days, possibly even today. i do not know why i am spending time on this.

laughing. my mood began laughing at laughing was not on the list.

and "knackered" is. what does that word mean?

i will stop now. if i don't i might spend hours doing this.

avoiding....nope. guess i'll go with clueless.

but how i really, really feel: like i need to get out and walk in sand next to water, specifically the big, large, great pacific ocean. that's my mood; will the body follow?

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