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Friday, October 17, 2003
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i wanted to finish posting my thoughts about spiritual evolution before they were lost forever. but i'm sitting here passing out. have laundry to do. i'm going to see eek a mouse tonight at the coach house or be making major jamaican enemy if not.

okay. the rabbi said of bekah that in many ways, she was "quite an evolved being." and i recognized the truth of his remark. for example, i consider bekah to have been more evolved than i am, because she chose vegetarianism of her own volition when she was only about 14 years old and stuck with it to her death [she had "cheated" with poultry through the years, but in the year before she was killed bekah quit eating chicken and turkey too].

so that might seem a small detail, but her motivation was born in her compassion for all living things. i believe i share her compassion. i still eat meat. chicken is like my favorite food in the world.

so evolvement. i wondered, as i said earlier, how rambo could live in the 21st century, as marginally human as i perceive her to be, while, for instance, shakespeare lived over four hundred years ago?

liitle baby steps...my theory is that the evolution of the spirit is comparable to the evolution of species...taking place over such a huge block of time that our little pea brains cannot see it happening at all.

the reason this matters to me is that there are certain beliefs i hold that i deem to be so obviously reasonable and correct all people should share them. these beliefs at this point in time are just as obviously NOT shared by a lot of people, and include:

- people are not supposed to kill each other
- this planet is capable of supporting all the life upon it without war, famine, murder
- peace is possible between all peoples regardless of color
- humanity should be color blind

etcetera. just your basic pie in the sky "what a wonderful world" system. obviously i am WAY before my time! lol

believing that good may will out eventually does not appear to be especially reasonable or supported by the facts of my life or current events throughout the planet. so my theory of spiritual evolution allows me to hope that someday, way, way on down the road, we as a people will achieve peace, love, and harmony.

sometimes i think that may be the day the world ends, because the souls alive and dead will be joined at that time. just a half-baked theory of goodness and justice and love and evolution, arrived at courtesy of the murder of my daughter....

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