-Get Firefox! join the tribute to the victims of 9/11Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator barbtries a blog: <a href="http://www.cowtownbloggers.org/">:: cowtownbloggers.org ::the cowfolk of the new wild west ::</a>:
barbtries a blog
Thursday, October 09, 2003
:: cowtownbloggers.org ::the cowfolk of the new wild west :::
I have an earnest need and desire to live in a world where everyone has equal rights. I reject the notion that I should have more rights then someone else. I reject the notion that my rights mean anything at all if they are only at the expense of someone else. There is room in my world, and yes, in Alberta, for Same Sex Marriage and Families.

i just don't think this sentiment can be expressed better than it is here. go read the article to see it in context.

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