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barbtries a blog
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
bekah's 23rd birthday miracle

another shot of the turtle on the day after bekah's 23rd birthday. it's walking right at me here. i laid down in the wet grass and the turtle walked straight to me. when i got up there was some white gunk on my pants and denise told me it was turtle shit. i didn't even care.

i keep bringing it up because it actually does blow me away, and i feel as if everybody should know about it. would knowing that a turtle appeared as if from nowhere out of the megalopolis that is Los Angeles, CA, to spend one month in the backyard of the brother of a murder victim on her 23rd birthday change the mind of a skeptic? what if the skeptic was to then learn that the murder victim had identified with turtles when she was still alive, calling herself the "turtle" of the "butterfly and turtle" duo that was herself and her best friend?

what if i shared that since bekah died i collect turtles as part of my recovery process, that her father chose one of bekah's own little ceramic turtles as the item he wanted to bury her with? that both the brother in whose yard the turtle appeared on 07-06-03 and the dead woman's mother have memorialized her with tattoos - of turtles? that while designing her headstone her parents agreed that instead of the "dash between the dates" they would put a turtle?

which was done, a turtle walking from 07-06-80 to 07-19-01, with the hebrew symbol for "life" on its shell.

well, i dunno. skepticism dies hard. but i swear to GAWD what happened on bekah's birthday was HER present to US. and considering that on 07-06-03, bekah had been dead for almost two years - i call that a miracle. thank you bekah - again - amen.

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