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barbtries a blog
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
NaNoWriMo.org : Home - What is NaNoWriMo?
i wonder if i just start back up where i left off last year will i be disqualified? i wrote somewhere in the neighborhood of 4,000 words, then stopped. so i go again this year; i'm glad i know it's coming now, i'm going to start plotting out the great american novel. then write it during the month of november.

The Mahablog
it seems our president flapped his mouth at the UN yesterday. but is this news? is there any news left in the news? outrages are yawned at or just ignored as if they don't exist.
i feel like i am in a vacuum sometimes. but there are others who know as well, thankfully. i just skim and bitch that's all.


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