-Get Firefox! join the tribute to the victims of 9/11Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator barbtries a blog: <a href="http://www.modbee.com/24hour/opinions/story/975041p-6834741c.html">Modbee.com | The Modesto Bee</a>:
barbtries a blog
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Modbee.com | The Modesto Bee:
Al- Qaida is regrouping and making noise about hurting us, while with every passing day, it looks more and more like Iraq never could have hurt us.
GREG DOBBS: Bush needs to come clean with America

Mr. Dobbs asks rhetorically, "Why won't President Bush come clean and tell the truth?" Among other observations he notes that the president has yet to attend a funeral for one of the american military killed at his wrongheaded behest, but has plenty of time for campaign fundraising.

i'll stop for now. i could have a fucking stroke if i studied this dick all day.

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