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barbtries a blog
Friday, September 26, 2003
[I Love You God Bless You Anthony]

Anthony Isaiah Prudhomme, 11-27-78 to 11-03-00

For those who were blessed enough to have known Anthony, you are all aware that the way he lived was way more important then the way he died , so I don't want to dwell on his death, but dwell on his life and spirit, and celebrate his Life and continued after life and spirit!!! But for those who don't know the story of our tragic loss, it happened on November 3rd, 2000.

the trial of anthony's accused killers begins today. Luisa, anthony's mom, attends counseling at my group - i hope to be present at the trial, for anthony, who was 21 when he was shot to death for reasons so bankrupt i have to say he died for no reason at all, and for luisa, his mother who has waited almost three years just to find out if justice will happen for her son.

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