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Thursday, February 13, 2003
You LIve Your Life As If It's Real

Ray has written another snappy satirical snip about the moron known as mr president.
i've been paralyzed for about a month now, i guess. i can't seem to summon a better word for this horrendous sluggishness. occasionally i weep. well, daily. this is the sophomore year of my bereavement and i was warned that the second year would be worse than the first, but typically i thought somehow i would leapfrog that horror.

no, i wouldn't - i couldn't, i can't, any more than i can make bekah be alive.

so stressers: i'm being deposed tomorrow by rambo's lawyers for the civil suit. even worse, my son reports to the navy on tuesday. my 19-year-old baby boy andy. weep. now stop, and smile at him. be proud of him. stop worrying because it's dumb and useless, positive thoughts are useful all the way around.

3-18-07 images replaced due to loss of server...

to any and all who happen upon this post, please keep a positive thought in your heart for my boy, and all of our boys and girls who are being pushed like pawns into a war that should not and need not be. pray, meditate, love. PEACE

i play literati all the time; it's like the one "action" that transcends the otherwise pervasive paralysis of grief that has gripped me [as i write i thank the writing because i know it signals the loosening of that grip]. at any rate.

yesterday i happened to play with a mother whose only child is with her husband, stationed in germany. the atmosphere is so rancorous toward americans over there that they have been advised to stay on base.

why the hell is this going on?

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