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barbtries a blog
Monday, January 20, 2003
Petfinder pet list
if you're looking for a kitty in southern california, check out these ... this is the webpage of a former catlady's [mine] heroine, Leslie.

Thanks to Leslie, none of the kitties died. They all got homes. Koala Bob is kicking around still, though. gee.

Anyway, Leslie will shortly have two or three gorgeous siamese/tonkinese kittens to offer. Lola's last litter. Leslie gets pick of the litter and she offered to buy the remaining two just to be sure that they were fixed before they were placed.

Maybe someday i'll write in more detail about what it was like around here with as many as 14 cats...for now, lets just say it smelled around here.

I do have to make it clear that catladyhood has never been an ambition of mine. i blame the escalation of the mess on rambo. cats were having kittens and i was not attending, i was mourning. i put ads in the recycler but waited too long - the little kitties were always sold immediately - and sometimes i'd get calls and just would not feel up to showing the cats, it wasn't a good day...anyhow. i've had cats all my life but suddenly [of course it wasn't so sudden, but as time is passing i'm starting to realize that i apparently lost whole weeks, maybe months, in the first year after bekah was murdered] it seemed that cats were like rabbits. or mice even. and i had like 14 cats and it was either get some help or pack 'em off to the pound.

maybe some day i'll forgive myself...

that part of the nightmare is thankfully in the past. yeah, and the thanks go directly to Leslie.

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