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barbtries a blog
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Carl Jung (1875-1961), synchronicity, collective unconscious
on ray's suggestion i went surfing around looking for something by Jung - i had a working familiarity with the concept of the collective unconscious, and was acquainted with the personality types. of course i had heard the word synchronicity.
so now i have read a bit, but none of it was actually written by Jung. however i saved the search in ebay so it's just a matter of time. . .or so i was thinking, until the word "antisemite" popped up, several times.
how very regrettable if true. to be such a forward-looking and enlightening thinker whole philosophies are named after you, and yet be small enough to entertain hatred, contempt, or scorn toward people for no reason at all.
anyway i have not independently verified that it's true. taking one of those online personality tests a few months ago convinced me of Jung's brilliance, the result was so accurate, i thought. yesterday i shared my theory of rhyme and not reason and was led toward Jung as a direct result. so that is cool.
so i've emptied out a couple more drawers and i did find something written on 07-19-95, BUT: i had to look for it a long time, and it's a list. so i'm not putting it here. but i did find something else i had forgotten writing, and something else i've recalled and wanted to find.

i transcribed the old old poem called "bekah" but then realized it just is not good enough to share. but i'll add it to my transcription along with the following, written on 02-05-99 after i mislaid one of my notebooks somewhere between doheny and the beverly sunset medical building:

Lost: Diary, with poetry. Sunset Boulevard,
beginning of February.
Have you seen this side of me?
Am I in a dumpster
or being recycled.
These documents seem so essentially me.
And if it matters so much, why then
was it loosed so carelessly?
Did I want to be so uneasy?
Was I enjoying that dream of
walking nakedly ?
Do I WISH to bare all, poetically
via my diary?
Which no one has
asked to read! after all
It really means so much just to me.
let it be. As the Beatles said so sagily. Let it be.

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