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Thursday, November 21, 2002
An Everyday Tragedy

the novel i began yesterday, all four thousand three hundred eighty words of it.

NOTE: this book is a work of fiction - any similarities to any person place thing or occurrence is simply because people should NOT be allowed to get away with murder.

Disclaimer Numero Dos: the author, Rebecca Dearpart [not her real name snick snicker], has not imparted to me that she considers this budding piece of work a potential book, per se. not at this time. at this time it is about numbers and catharsis, peace of mind and whipping the blank off the page, a diversion if you will, a challenge, an exercise...an excuse not to do the report I should be doing! I make no warranty express implied denied desired as to the quality of the writing contained in, so far, 4,380 words.

well, actually, there is at least one sentence that i like, one image that satisfies...ha ha. now i see how peeps got obsessed with this here idea.

i don't have to make it good. you don't have to read it. promise. but if you do, there's the link...:)

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