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barbtries a blog
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
cutie factory
Bekah and her baby brother Rory, 1992, and one of her favorite little ways to play [or was it just my favorite way for her to play?] at any rate, she had a strawberry shortcake christmas, i think it was 1983. good ol' strawberry shortcake. do you remember? the little dolls all smelled like whatever fruit they were named after? are they still around?

Title suggestions invited.


okay i did it Official NaNoWriMo 2002 Participantbut i don't know if i will really participate. i figger signing up makes it about 2 percent more likely than if i just look at the sign up page. so i signed up and if i do write a 50,000 page novel between now and the end of this month you'll be the first to know and i'll never ask you to read a word of it.

unless i like it. fat chance! lol

anyhow, here goes. or not.

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