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Saturday, October 19, 2002
Justice for Woody

"The children in the congregation were taken from the room, to which Woodward expressed no objection. A number of people left individually, and he did not react. However, when a member of the congregation (perhaps the minister, Deborah Mero, according to at least one witness) stood up and asked the congregation to move into the smaller chapel, Woodward produced a knife with a three and a quarter inch blade from his pocket, held it to his eye. He threatened to kill himself if he was left without witnesses. Though still highly agitated, he was specific in his explanation that his need was for witnesses to his statement and to events that might soon transpire. He abjectly begged the congregation to stay and help him. "

i keep coming back and back to this man's story. i can't be the only person alive who suspects that Woody's death was ordained long before the police rushed in and shot this man in a church where he was seeking sanctuary?

something is very, very rotten in vermont. read and comment por favor...:)

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