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Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Ezrael: America, you will be rounded up and shot

i commented,

i hope a lot of people get to reading this and really really thinking on what is going on. i hear on the radio that bush's approval/popularity rating is something like 90%, which i cannot believe, because almost everyone i talk to can tell he's a stupid ass who has no business being president of this country. so i put a poll on my blog, and over 60% of respondents agree that he is a moron who should not be president. I hear a poll on the radio that says something like 70% of americans think he's doing a good job in the middle east. it seems to me that this administration is just too brazen about releasing false numbers, warmongering, etc., to stay in office after the next election. but the way he got into office is so smelly who knows?

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