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Sunday, September 01, 2002
Cat Fanciers' Association: Breed Profile: Tonkinese
Cats for sale, cats for free...a woman who rescues tonks and siamese from the shelters was here this evening. she's going to help me get this fiasco over with. as of right now [after selling 4 kittens last week] i have eleven cats, four of which are only 4 months old, all of which are beautiful, and three of which i plan on keeping until they bury me.

email other1955@yahoo.com if you'd like a siamese/tonkinese cat. i have minkpoints, siamese bluepoint, tonkinese platinum or champagne, and koala bob. Koala Bob is a hybrid; here's a picture of him. Actually here's a picture of one of the kitties who looks like koala bob, because my scanner's out of commission...:)
sorry 'bout that...

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