Thursday, August 29, 2002
It Doesn't Hurt [ThoughtCafe]
song - if only i knew how to make music....
8/29/02 5:02:13 AM
Questions my companions, and cats.
We make art, not me.
Wonder saves my soul from atrophy,
Wonder buoys my brain and
Keeps it bobbing, alive on flux.
Flux and questions comprise the tide
ceaseless as any I have witnessed.
I stand on the sand and I’m rocking
Grief to sleep in my arms.
The world turns sideways;
I wonder on night. I’ve not managed
The black as well as the light,
Or the light as well as the black,
or the grey that leaks into
and out of the days like water –
Grey flows warm flux. Inevitable
as any tide, any sunrise,
any turtle in any sky.
Full of itself offered a medium.
See what can you do
with grey
Hand me a brush, we’ll paint.
We’ll see.
© Barbara Bales 1970-2002 all rights reserved
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS