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barbtries a blog
Monday, July 29, 2002

Oh, alive [sigh].
Wha's that jive, you feel the sting?
Like walkin' into a beehive,
Alive - what you think?

Is it more or less on the other side -
Where you slap high fives on the queen
And thank her personally for your honey.

Don't need money. What about money?
Here seems wrong, ludicrous, funny
[A Smile, a Hug, a Radiance shared]

Over there, ain't nuthin' but money -
That's what's called love
Before we return
To where yearning don't mourn, where

Sorrow means wisdom and sad don't cry
Coming in this life don't mean good-bye
Passin' on back means to re-arrive
At the place of true learning

When we die we do not die

We return to learn how to be
Alive without birth, how to be
In the universe

Beyond this polluted pain-full dive
Otherwise known as Planet Earth
This screwed up world
Where all the hurts and hatreds thrive

Grants us entry
Commends us to
Eternity, Alive

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