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barbtries a blog
Wednesday, July 31, 2002

only three ratings in four months...and they do run the gamut,
from the best to the worst.
yeah, someone out there thinks my blog stinks.

i must really have developed a healthier ego than in years past.
or maybe i have just gotten too much for myself. maybe i am crazy
with grief, and everything i say is wrong.

what do i know?

because i [deludedly?] find myself thinking that whoever went and
rated my blog "the worst" was some fundamentalist christian who
happened onto it when i was educating the reading public about
the cult that is a so-called "church."

what do i know? i have faith that cannot be denied or destroyed. i
must, because i am still walking talking reading writing and that's
even after someone made it a matter of public record that this [my
blog] is the "worst."

did i ever mention that the last time bekah came through at open
circle the medium told me she was in cap and gown? what a great
validation that was. at the time i had just learned that her
commencement, during which bekah was awarded an honorary degree
posthumously, had come and gone without my advisement.

i have her diploma now, and have seen the video of the commencement
i should have attended. Her department head told the audience that
bekah would have undoubtedly been a "valedictorian candidate" and
successful in her chosen career.

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