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barbtries a blog
Friday, June 14, 2002

i've not a lot to say ... but since i have been getting visitors i thought i would at least be sure they had something to look at.
been watching the van Damme [sp?] trial. you know the one, the trial of the swinging parents.
it just sickens me, and i don't know if it's the media or if the media is only responding to the populace. but i just feel like standing up and screaming sometimes:


oh, her poor family must be nearly insane with grief and frustration right now. they must be; i'm not related to them, i didn't know and love their little girl, and i am at the screaming point [i generally cannot watch the trial for any length of time because it frustrates me that much]. no doubt i am sensitized because my daughter was murdered, her justice denied, and the truth spun and twisted both for her family by the DA [and his policeman PR man] and for the media by her killer's lawyer.
i was going to write lowlife lawyer. but that would be redundant, and i'm trying to be a good writer.

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