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barbtries a blog
Monday, June 10, 2002
barbtries a blog

Okay, okay, it's all back now!!!!!!!!

i swear to gawd i thought i had somehow offended the good folks at bravenet. so i upload my little flash to a different place, blog it, check it, what do you know?! I didn't have to do that.

I love computers, and the internet, but can you think of anything more frustrating sometimes? I can actually. Mechanics. I would have multiple nervous breakdowns if i had to spend any appreciable amount of time finessing little screws into dark greasy places that come alive in their efforts to reject. oh, well. news i am being sued along with bekah's murderer, her husband, my ex-husband, and does 1-100. so i should really, really, really try to sleep tonight or i might sleep through my morning appointment with my attorney...

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