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Tuesday, May 07, 2002
Mangajin Online Magazine e-Zine; Humorous Haiku

there was a haiku mag online that had solicited my cinquains, but i forgot the name and lost the mail...so trying to find it i stumbled onto this site. here are a few of the hilarious windows-themed haiku:

Computer Error Messages
First submitted to us by Mary Hesterman, these are alleged to have
been created by Sony for a new operating system. (Mentions of
"Windows," however, seem to contradict such origins. Sony has
not been available for comment.)

Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that

A file that big?
It might be very useful
But now it is gone

Having been erased
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped

Windows NT crashed
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams

i hope it's okay that i put them here! i mean no harm, none at all! if i am violating somebody's copyright, just tell me i will delete i promise. i just thought these deserved wide attention.

on a different, bitter, windows note, i am so pissed right now. i did it; i installed my first hard drive and it went without a hitch. this i should mention is a used computer i bought through the recycler about 2 months ago...anyway the guy had reformatted the drive and supplied the original CD's with the system, but not the paperwork - windows insists on getting some goddammed number from me and i do not have it. i've been up for ages and ages waiting for their piracy line to open up so i can find out how to get around it...and if they tell me i can't i will do something drastic. like cry.

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