Thursday, May 09, 2002
i have a yahoo group for bekah's friends and families, to keep her memory alive. sent this message today after dicking around with a situation that just does not make sense. but whatever. subject line: yahooooooooooooo
someone got back to me today and instructed me to do everything i
already tried yesterday, then noted [as if i had not quite figured it
out for myself] that if my group was mistakenly categorized as
an "adult" group i would have to contact the groups support team to
make that right.
gave me a link to every goddam place on yahoo but the groups support
frustration gets worse than ugly...
i'm selling raffle tickets for a group called Justice for Murdered
Children. but i am very shy about approaching people to ask for
money! so on tuesday i asked my team captain at pool wanna buy a
raffle ticket, and i sold tickets to my team.
well my captain is not as shy as i am and he convinced a tableful of
young people to divvy up. after i mentioned that the cause was
justice for murdered children, jim said, "her daughter was killed by
a drunk driver," and when i stated, "she was murdered by a depraved
drunk," he laughed.
he does not believe it. will anybody ever? is it really WRITTEN IN
STONE somewhere that a pissed off, thoroughly inebriated alcoholic
could not commit murder via automobile? is alcohol not OTHERWISE
associated with violent behavior? and where does my captain get off
dismissing my contention when it was not HIS daughter and he does not
know HALF of what i do regarding the night bekah died?
i was really tired that night, and rory was with me. it's just this
afternoon i started feeling irate about it...after chatting with
bekah's friend brandi last night in fact.
brandi lives with matt, and has for a long time, yet somehow she had
carried on for the past over 9 months under the impression that bekah
was killed ACCIDENTALLY.
i swear to god i am not crazy. okay, i am crazy. but in a situation
in which if i was not crazy you would have to assume i had lost my
which is all to make the point that i do know the difference between
an accident and a willful act. that from day ONE i have been
searching for a reason not just to forgive bekah's killer but to even
regard her as a human being. she just does not, has not, apparently
will not give me the means.
i didn't go looking for someone to point an accusing finger at so i
could make a false claim of murder. my daughter was murdered; that's
just what happened on 07-19-01. if it is this difficult to make
friends and loved ones know what i know, what about the rest of the
world? i try to keep my faith and my hope alive, but sometimes it is
very hard.
love, bekah's mom barbara
Yahoo! Groups : bekah
this is the front page of the group. does anyone see a reason for yahoo to designate this a group with "adult" content?
didn't think so....
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS