Thursday, May 23, 2002
Google Search:
"The fact remains that religious dogma is a matter of faith, the link to that idealism, that is not supported by evidence that is as consistent in interpretation as many people from many backgrounds seeing the color blue, calculating 2 and 2 or observing an eclipse. I have no problems with a loving heart who believes out of faith. I have problems with a prideful heart that asserts their worldview over others while refusing to think critically of their world view, thus pushing those who don't think like them into the confinement of a dirty label - condemned."
-Tim L. Smith, former member of the LA Church of Christ, on this newsgroup
been reading on this group all night almost. the deeper i go into this cult the more i want to do SOMETHING to get my friend out of it. Especially her daughter, who has been in it since the age of about 11 or 12 ... i believe that her indoctrination by this specious sect has really caused her some grave emotional problems. For instance if she believes Bekah is in hell [she denies this belief but i know that members often do deny the truth to heathens like myself. She has also denied that she is "religious."], i am sure this is exacerbating her normal grief process...
anyway i cannot get too detailed here. i do not want to lose trust. i love her and her mother and just kinda wish i could do something to help them see the light - the light of self-determination, and thinking for themselves, and governing their own time, and so on.
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS