Sunday, April 14, 2002
sunday evening...i've so much to do and barely enough energy to start on it. rory and i got KFC and ate at bekah's grave. roses are two dozen for $12.97 at HOME DEPOT, so bekah has 2 dozen lovely roses. go buy roses for your loved ones today, while they live.
peace. love. happiness.
i'm going to start looking for a poll next, because i totally do NOT BELIEVE the polls i'm hearing in the news. i think bush is an idiot who for some godforsaken i do not get it reason wants to put the US into a world war. i lament this, all war in fact, all murder, all hatred, all racism, etc.
that is why the hate i feel toward the lowlife who killed my daughter is something i feel the need to eradicate. hate, bitterness, very closely related to my mind, and what they do is they ruin YOU. her hate and bitterness was so large and was allowed to grow unchecked to where it took my daughter with it. well, i am more evolved than that. i have more love in me than that. though i must mourn my daughter for the rest of my life, i have to find a way to do it without moaning for the rest of my life, and without hate. without bitterness. this is my task, i do not turn away from it [sometimes i do].
Who am i, what am i
A picture's worth
moon phases |
I stand on the sand, and I'm rocking
grief to sleep in my arms.
Poetry roll
Comments by: YACCS