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barbtries a blog
Thursday, April 25, 2002
REVEAL: Leaving the International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC)

this organization was created by and for former adherents to the International Churches of Christ, which based on my reading here and elsewhere, should be more accurately named the Kip McKean and Cohorts Cult...

on this site are many first person narratives following the indoctrination of new members of this church. the stories are so similar it is disturbing to me, leaving me wondering what if anything should i do or attempt to do, or should i just let it alone and let them know i love them...

you see one of my best friends from childhood is a member of this church. it's a testament to the true nature of our friendship that several years after she joined we remain friends. neither her nor her daughter has ever been able to convince myself or my children to attend a church function. she quit trying in fact, and we do not spend much time together...however i know as she knows that we still love each other and always will. we are friends for life. amen

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